As the village streets aren't cleared it is sometimes necessary to take the Village Oversnow, a taxi service which delivers you and your bags to your lodge, hotel or apartment. Keep in mind that it can be very expensive >100 for a large family, and it is worth considering booking accommodation closer to the road so that you can walk up.
By bus
Falls Creek Coaches operate bus services from Southern Cross Train Station, in Melbourne, as well as a bus from Albury, NSW, which connects with Qantaslink plane services from Melbourne and Sydney, as well as train services. Another option is to park at the secure carpark in Mt. Beauty, then take the bus up in safety.
Northeast Coachlines operates HothamBus.com from 2013, offering daily & overnight services from Melbourne to Mt Hotham, Dinner Plain & Falls Creek.
Falls Creek is 388 km from Melbourne, approximately a 4.5 hour drive. It is reached via the Hume Highway, Great Alpine Road and Kiewa Valley Highway to Mt. Beauty, followed by a 30km drive up the Bogong High Plains Road. Chains are compulsory at all times during the nominated ski season June-October, and the road is listed as a hazadrous road.